Drum roll please… B&B Family Farm is proud to announce the opening of our farm to the public, just in time for Lavender Weekend in Sequim, Washington. We will open our farm and The Shoppe on July 16, welcoming tourists and locals to come by and check out the old Angel Farm with a few updates. The Farm and Shoppe will remain open through the summer to offer tours, lavender products that have been handmade here on the farm as well as some beautiful handcrafted products made by our family and friends. B&B will be included in a newly coordinated brochure featuring all the lavender farms in the area with a driving map and a short description of each farm (available at each farm as well as the ferries and local businesses).
AND… we will also be participating in the Tour de Lavender! Check out the link for all the details but in short its a weekend of bicycle events focused around the beauty of the Olympic Peninsula, which of course includes the lavender farms!
So now that we’ve signed up for all these fun things, we’ve got to kick it up a notch around here! Not only did we just put 1000 new angustifolia plants in the ground,
we’re also raising baby chicks
making over the old garden shed into The Shoppe,
crafting items for the store and mixing potions for products,
designing labels, painting lavender signs,
and trying to determine what killed a quarter of our baby plants from last year. Never a dull moment, thats for sure! Most of that is exciting and keeps us motivated… the dying lavender does not fall into that category. Our best guess at this point is that the record amount of rainfall we received over a 2 day period, caused Phytophthora or root rot in the areas where we have the most clay in the soil. Sad, sad day! Unfortunately there isn’t much we can do at this point. We’ll try to relocate all the survivors this winter to other areas of the farm where the soil is more sandy and drains better.
So we’re jumping in with two feet to a very busy summer filled with new experiences and adventures for B & B Family Farm. Stay tuned for updates and check out our Facebook pagefor lots of photos!