Wow! What a month is has been!! Due to the warm, dry weather our blooming lavender was ready to harvest even before Lavender Weekend.
Our motto around here is ‘you cut when it’s ready’ and it was ready a bit early this year. Our family started harvesting the angustifolias and our ‘teenagers’ (planted last spring) a couple weeks before the big festivities.
We are very pleased with how our young plants have grown and excited that they produced some of our longest stems for Grosso and Royal Velvet.
Once we had those drying in the barn, it was back to preparing the farm for the grand re-opening. With products to make, grass to mow, signs to hang and POS systems to master we put in some long hours around here. And there is no way we could’ve done it without the help of some good friends and dedicated family. We are so grateful!
As we worked our way through the busy schedule and harvesting the rest of our lavender plants, we were careful to keep track of what we’ll need to do differently next year (always learning!). And then Lavender Weekend was here!! We celebrated our Grand Re-Opening with some marimba music and lots of friendly faces.
We were pleased with the turn out, as our goal was to keep things low key and allow our visitors to wander and ask questions. With a steady stream of traffic we were able to offer a self-guided tour through the barn with all the drying lavender, U-cut for fresh bundles, the lovely Shoppe, and some tasty lavender lemonade sold by our youngest lavender farmers. We were thrilled to meet so many people and got lots of great feedback about re-opening this old farm. And now we have another harvest under our belt along with our first Sequim Lavender Weekend AND the opening of the Shoppe
The farm and the Shoppe will remain open through the summer as we continue to process and fill orders.