We have lots of exciting things happening here at the farm. At the top of the list is the birth of Kristy and Zion’s son, Sawyer. Born on October 14th, weighing in at 6 pounds 14 ounces, Sawyer has won our hearts and aligned our priorities. We are thrilled to introduce another kiddo into the lavender farm life! He is thriving and I’m sure Papa will have him on the tractor by next month.
There is good news regarding the lavender as well. Our ‘teenagers’ as we like to call them, not only had an impressive first bloom, but have now had a second bloom. This means that we were cutting and hanging lavender in October! It was a bit chilly, but we won’t complain. Thankfully, we’ve been busy taking down and processing all the lavender that was hanging in the barn, so there was room to hang more.
We are continuing to harvest our ginseng and goldenseal to make some more space out in the fields. We are still ‘treasure hunting’ to reveal what’s actually been growing over the last 4 years. We plan to plant more lavender in the spring so we can keep up with the orders. That angustifolia sells out so quickly, we need more! This also means we’ll need more hanging space, more time and more energy to get it all harvested!
After our successful first summer of being open to the public we’ve decided to open the retail shoppe for the holiday season. We will be open the Friday through Sunday after Thanksgiving and then weekends until Christmas. We are hoping to encourage some local, handmade gift-giving this season. This might require a heater in the shop and some sort of hot lavender cider, but we’ll be out there spreading the lavender joy! Unfortunately we don’t have our online shop up and running yet (remember our priorities were put into place by the arrival of the littlest lavender farmer), HOWEVER, we will take orders via email or phone and get them shipped to you. We have a product list/price list that you can request if you’re interested. All our lotions and potions are 10% off!
As we head into the holiday season, we wish you all homes full of happiness and love. Our hearts are heavy with the many tragedies around the world and we don’t for a minute take for granted all that we have. We will certainly be celebrating our blessings and hope the same for you and your loved ones.