
Coming to Grips with a Natural Disaster like the Corona Virus (Covid-19)?

Well a lot has changed since I wrote our last blog a month ago.  It is hard to believe that 4 weeks ago this pandemic was not on our radar.  We certainly had heard about the corona virus or Covid-19, but our current situation did not seem feasible.  However, here we are.  We are grateful to be with our family and to be able to teach our children while schools are shut down.  However, much like many of you, we are nervous, scared, and anxious about this virus and our futures.  Thankfully, we are in an area that is more isolated area and our cases are very limited.  We are grateful that we are happy.  Nevertheless, we are nervous for the impact this will have on our business.  Our family came out of retirement (Bruce and Bonnie) and left living-wage jobs (Zion and Kristy) to embark on our B&B Family Journey in 2013.  In the past couple years, as with many businesses we were finally getting our legs under us as our first few years were spent getting our brand established.  We have, and continue to, work very hard and this natural disaster is frightening.

Cherry Blossoms Blooming in Sequim
Cherry Blossoms Blooming in Sequim

How Does a Small Business Handle a Pandemic?

We are listening to experts, following social distancing protocols, being extremely sanitary and washing our hands, and making sure we wash our hands again.  Boy our hands are dry.  

On a side note, I never used Gardeners Hand Cream until now.  This was Kristy’s invention and not something most men would use, but boy is this stuff a lifesaver right now.  We put it on before bed and because it is so thick it helps moisturize your hands all night!  It is awesome!

Long story short, we are doing what people much smarter than us are suggesting we do.  Moreover, we are being extra cautious packing up orders and washing hands before and after dropping off packages at the Post Office.  

In addition, we like many other businesses, are looking into SBA grants and loans, and figuring out ways to be more creative with our business.  Possible Drive-Thru lavender tours anyone?!?!  We are following Governor Inslee’s orders and doing our best to stay calm and positive.  

Working Through a Pandemic

Our work is not essential. However, this month we have been working hard because or farm is our backyard and our employees are not joining us until things drastically change.

We have a field prepped and ready for 500 or so baby lavender plants that we should be receiving in April or May. We are excited to plant more Royal Velvet! We are also making products and getting ready for our Summer. We are obviously expecting a reduction in visitors and sales volume, but we are also trying to keep our online store stocked. By the way, THANK YOU! For all of your support.

Sawyer and Keith Stapling Ground Cover
Sawyer and Keith Stapling Ground Cover

What Happens After Covid-19?

We are not sure what happens?  We hope to see many of you at our farm as soon as it is possible and safe.  We are looking forward to once again sharing our story, sharing our process, and seeing the joy on our visitors faces.  We are looking forward to things being back to normal.  

In the meantime, we are working on a new antiviral hand sanitizer since ours was designed to be less harsh on kids and has no alcohol.  We are putting care packages together for some local healthcare workers.  We are enjoying our kids and family.  Our uncle Keith, who recently purchased property near us, unexpectedly is stuck here.  This all broke out while he was checking on his new land.  We all sure love having him here, especially, the kids!

Inside Look At Our Family

Sister, Sister-in-law, and daughter Amy is a healthcare professional here on the Olympic Peninsula.  So we have had a great time incorporating my two nieces into our daily routines.  I have been put in charge of “elective” classes and we have photography, rocky building, astronomy, and website building all in store or currently happening.  We are grateful to be able to have these jobs now, so we can spend less time worrying.  Love has been the best medicine during these difficult times. 

Below you will see a beautiful photo my niece, Sadie, took after our photography class.  We learned a lot in a couple days and she really took some great shots.  By the way, If you need an activity, try making a pin-hole camera with your kids.  It is a lot of fun and it will blow their minds!  STAY SAFE, STAY HEALTHY!   THANK YOU!!!! FOR YOUR SUPPORT

Sadie's Flower Photo
Sadie's Flower Photo